Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Brady enjoying the balls at the pumkin farms

Brothers at play

Carter's first day of school
Brady at the Butler County Fair

Mommy and Carter at Hueston Woods

Goodbye Summer. Hello Fall!

I know that we are well into Fall but here in Greater Cincinnati, the seasons can be unpredictable. Take for example, our trip to the pumpkin farms. My mother and I decided to take the boys on our yearly quest to the local farms to pick a pumpkin. I was so excited to dress Carter and Brady in their finest Halloween long sleeve t's and fall boots. As the weekend approached, the days were getting hotter and hotter and the highs were reaching 75 degrees. By Saturday afternoon it was almost 80 degrees. Mom and I kept taking off layers until finally Brady was in a onesie and jeans and Carter was in shorts and barefoot! Fun was had by all and we are now experiencing lows in the 30's. I thouught everyone would enjoy some summer into fall pictures. Our love to all!

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