Saturday, May 24, 2008

You Can Teach a Man To Do the Dishes!

If you start them early ladies, they just might "pick up" this thing we call housework. It is so hilarious...whenever I am in the kitchen making dinner, doing dishes, etc. Brady is at my feet. And when that dishwasher opens, he is right there and stays there until I close it. He pulls up on it, cruises around it, and grabs whatever he can get his hands on. Sometimes I make sure no knives are within his grasp! I will definitely tap into my little worker bee in the future! Enjoy the video. Thought you might enjoy Brady and Carter's all time favorite song. Our love to all!


tracey said...

Loved the video. Can we expect on the next season of American Idol.


Doug (PureFreshmaker) said...

Glad you posted the video. This had me laughing out loud in the middle of a very hectic work day.

Can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks!!

Anonymous said...

Uh-oh. Does Dad know that's Brady's favorite song? I can hear him singing "zip-a-dee-doo-da..." with his open hands dancing back and forth. Dear heavens, will this be the song of Sunriver Vaca 2008?


Can't wait to see everyone!
