Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Carter Dresses Himself!

Well, you read all the parenting books and you learn that at some point the toddler wants to do everything for themselves. Last week, I found that to be true when it comes to dressing. Carter came out of his room and insisted that he wear his Mickey Mouse hat and suspenders to compliment the Elmo pj's he already had on. Luckily, we weren't going in public for a few hours. I couldn't resist but to help him get everything in place. I, then, had to capture the moment. And now, I share it with all of you! This is a pretty big milestone that may need a little direction down the road! Our love to all!


Fantacy so Sweet-n-Stuff... said...

ah yes, welcome to the true "fashion" of having a three year
Tink has finally started sincerely potty training!!!! as in no "pee pee" accidents! woo hoo!
we really really really need to get together and let them esp considering we live yard to yard :P

Unknown said...

Wow, Carter truly has a unique sense of style. I like how he keeps the mickey mouse ears tipped to one side, definitely shows a bit of personality...