Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Halloween 2007

Sorry that it has taken me so long to blog but I have an excuse. My digital camera was stolen from my car after Halloween. I was hoping it would turn up but no such luck. Thanks to mom and and old-fashioned camera, I have some pictures that were taken recently. We will be replacing our camera soon with all the upcoming holiday sales. Word to the wise.... digital cameras are hot items and are easily swiped! Know what I mean, Dad? Learn a lesson from me and take care of yours!

Anyway... here are some Halloween pics. Carter, of course, dressed as his favorite blue engine while Brady took the time to catch up on some ZZZ's. Carter practiced long and hard and was an old pro at Trick-or-Treating! He used his "thank you's" which made Mommy so proud. In the end, his eyes lit up at the sit of his plastic Thomas bucket filled to the top with goodies. Both Daddy and Pop were pleased at the all the chocolate he scored including full size candy bars. Needless to say, there wasn't much left once they got their hands on it. It truly was a wonderful evening. Our love to all!

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