Saturday, January 27, 2007

First Snowfall 2007!

We finally had our first snowfall of the winter season. After unseasonably warm temperatures and lots of rain, we were hit with about 4 inches last Sunday morning. Carter was very excited to play outside and learned very quickly that the snow is cold. He became very ambitious when Mommy suggested we build a snowman. He helped to pack the snow and at times wanted to take over the whole process. He put the arms in the proper location and helped to put on the "buttons". For many days following, Carter wanted to build the snowman a friend. Unfortunately, the snowman didn't even make it 24 hours before it melted! Better luck next time, I suppose. Bring on the snow!

1 comment:

Fantacy so Sweet-n-Stuff... said...

Hey girlie! it was b/c of you takin these pics that i had to drag my big old butt out in the snow with 3 kids right at supper makin time *sticks tongue out*...the kids and i saw you guys out there and decided it looked like fun, ours never got his eyes or nose or scarf though and his head fell off the next day MISS my lil mr. carter! we need to get together sometime SOON!!!